10 09, 2019

Reverse Exchanges


REVERSE EXCHANGES A reverse exchange is a transaction in which the taxpayer acquires replacement property before selling the relinquished property. This is often done in cold markets where a

19 06, 2018

Exchanges Under Code Section 1031


DEFINITIONS Taxpayer. The person or entity carrying out the exchange. Relinquished Property. The property being exchanged. Replacement Property. The property being acquired in the exchange. Buyer. The buyer of the

5 05, 2016

1031 Challenge


Code Section 1031 has existed since the dawn of the income tax in the original Revenue Acts of the 1920s. It has remained virtually unchanged since its inception in the

30 03, 2015

Lessons in Leasehold


Are you in business at premises which are a sublease? That is, does your landlord lease from someone else and sublease to you? If so, did you know that you

31 05, 2013

The Demise of Better Place


Better Place is a fascinating Israeli company which intended to build and operate battery changing stations for electric cars. Instead of charging a battery they would swap it out. Better

24 04, 2013

Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012


The Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (“ATRA”) is a bit of a misnomer because it did not provide relief for higher income taxpayers. This means that the tax benefits of exchanges under

10 04, 2013

Leasing Alligators


Don't let leasing alligators eat your bottom line! This will explain some of the issues which come up in commercial leases. In the immortal words of the Beatles - I want to hold your hand - through your next lease transaction.